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Mit unserem Beitritt zur Initiative haben wir uns zudem zu den Zehn Prinzipien für nachhaltige Unternehmensführung und zu den Sustainable Development Goals der Vereinten Nationen bekannt. Unser Commitment für mehr Nachhaltigkeit und zu den Zehn Prinzipien noch einmal zu bekräftigen, ist uns vor dem Hintergrund aktueller globalen Herausforderungen besonders wichtig. Aus diesem Grund sind wir nun Mitglied im Verein UN Global Compact Netzwerk Deutschland e. V.!
our customers
The customer base today includes both private companies and municipal as well as state authorities and professional associations.
GOR supports companies in all sectors individually according to their requirements and covers the entire spectrum of services from one-off advice to the complete provision of the legally required company officers (e.g. officer functions for waste, immission control, accidents, water protection, environmental protection, data protection, dangerous goods of all modes of transport , specialist for occupational safety, fire protection, laser protection or management systems). In addition, the company is also available to its customers for ongoing support or carries out internal audits.
We are over
KM per year for you on the go
We're happy to hear from you!
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